SKU   CC2004
Title   Workpair Analysis
Image   rsz_1Extended Disc


DISC Inventory for Work Pairs


Extended DISC® Work Pair Analysis is a very powerful tool. It is easy to use and very cost effective. It is no wonder that it is so widely utilized. Work Pair Analysis is designed to provide information that allows two individuals to take action that will have a positive impact on their performance.

Work Pair Analysis is a tool that combines the results of two individuals into one, user-friendly report. It identifies the styles of individuals, how the styles complement one another, and where the behavior gaps exist.

One of the very popular features of Work Pair Analysis is that it clearly demonstrates that while two similar styles often get along well, they not only amplify their strengths, but also their weaknesses. As a result, their performance is not optimal. Typically the employees are not aware of this fact losing a lot of time and money.

Includes coaching for both participants


List Price   $290.00
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