SKU   CC4010
Title   Fire Night! (fire safety)
Image   firenite

Monica Driscoll Beatty
Illustrated by Christie Allan-Piper
Published by Health Press NA Inc.
ISBN 9780929173313
Binding: Paper
Dimensions: 8 1/2 x 11
Pages: 32

Written for Young Audience


Fires are scary. The appearance of firefighters can be scary, too. In Fire Night! twelve-year-old Katy Wong demonstrates that fire education pays off. Katy applies what she has learned to overcome her fears and make the right decisions.


Not long ago, a newspaper advertisement made me aware of just how terrifying a firefighter in full protective gear can be to a small child. Until then, I had never realized how scary I looked and sounded. I thought that if I were a child, frightened by smoke and fire, the last person I would trust would be a faceless monster, breathing like a nightmare creature. But I know that hiding from this "monster" will ultimately endanger the lives of children and the lives of the firefighters working to save them.


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